There are many brilliant
people in this world: People with the ability to captivate audiences, and that
has made them popular speakers of our day. One of these great speakers was
asked what he regarded as the greatest thought that ever occupied his mind. He
replied: “The sense of my individual responsibility to God”.
In elaborating his
answer, he said: “This thought is not pleasant to those who are living in their
sins and out of relationship to Him, and consequently are not prepared to face
the tremendous issues involved. However, whether the issues are faced or not,
the fact remains: “So then every one of us shall give an account of himself to
God” (Romans 14:12). So then, we are responsible to God, as the word
of God declares, and … cannot escape our responsibility.
These words of the
speaker lead us to consider our choices carefully. Our character is formed as
we establish repeated habit patterns as a result of the consistent daily
choices we make. Choices are the stuff that life is made of, and our choices
will determine our eternal destiny. God has created us with free will, and we
are responsible for the choices we make. The judgment implies moral
responsibility. It speaks to the fact that we are not mere machines or products
of biological chance.
As Paul states: “For we
must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive
the things done in the body, according to what he or she has done, whether good
or bad”(2 Corinthian 5:10). But the judgment is more much-more much-than
about us. It has to do with a universal struggle between good and evil. It
focuses on a cosmic battle for the control of the universe.
The judgment is
primarily about God. Is God fair? Is He just? Is He loving and merciful? In the
great controversy that is raging in the universe, Lucifer, a rebel angel, has
declared that God is an authoritarian tyrant. This fallen angel has defamed the
character of God. He has portrayed God as selfish, desiring obedience and
giving little in return. The evil one has claimed that God’s laws restrict our
happiness. He has charged God with the mismanagement of the universe.
Do not misunderstand
There is no question
that we are accountable to God.
There is no question
that we are responsible for our actions.
There is no question
that the decisions we make will determine our eternal destiny.
There is no question
that we have free will and that the choices will determine our fate.
But in the larger
picture, we need to understand the judgment that will powerfully impact our
lives. The book of Revelation is all about the war that Satan has declared upon
God. Revelation focuses on the end of the age-long controversy between good and
evil. Satan claimed that God is unfair and unjust in the way He has
administered the universe.
At the very center of
this conflict over the character of God is Revelation’s final judgment. John
states, “Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the
everlasting gospel to preach . . . to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people-saying
with a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give Him glory, for the hour of His judgment
has come; and worship Him who made the heaven and the earth, the sea and the
springs of water’ ”
Notice especially in the
light of the everlasting gospel there is the expression” The hour of His
judgment has come.” This is the hour of the entire universe to see the goodness
of our God. For the last time, the beings of the unfallen worlds will see, in
the light of the judgment hour, that God has done everything He can to save
every human being.
Check out part 2 as we
reflect on Revelation’s end-time judgment.
Nice piece
Keep on. It's really encouraging
Keep on. It's really encouraging
Thanks Joane and Diana
Gods hour....great message
This is absolutely the good news. Keep the fire burning
Good job Ephesiah
Even in judgement, the Lord is good. Learning a lot from this piece
Great piece
Great piece
Thanks guys . lets keep learning together
Great posf
Great post👍
Nice content mwalimu
Nice piece
Thanks Marion
Thanks Patrick
That is awesome...
Great inspiring message
This is a wonderful exposition on Revelation. Keep up bro
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